Banish back fuzz forever

November 18, 2010

Some blokes are, understandably, concerned about sporting unsightly body hair in places like the back and shoulders. If you’re cracking out the Chewbacca look on the beach and getting some dodgy looks then read on….

Shaving is the cheapest and fastest option of getting rid of body hair, but is short term and stubble can itch like hell. Then there is waxing, which, well, I can imagine bloody hurts not to mention being fairly awkward. But there is another option – Intense Pulse Light or IPL.

So how does it work? A light beam is used on the skin which is absorbed by the melanin contained in the hair follicle, which is then converted into thermal energy. This heat cauterises the vessel connecting to the base of the hair, effectively destroying the hair causing it to fall out and never grow again. IPL treatments are meant to be painless and 100% safe, but often come with a hefty price tag and trips to the salon.

However you can now perform this treatment at home. The dermatologist-approved E>One is as close as you’ll get to a professional IPL treatment. At nearly £1,500 it doesn’t come cheap, but still works out cheaper than a series of salon treatments, and you can do it in the privacy of your own home.

The E>One has six levels of intensity, each of which can be changed to match a different kind of hair density, skin tone or body area. After 10-12 treatments skin should be completely hair free, with only one or two uses per year required to maintain a smooth area.

It’s expensive, but a life without worrying about shoulder fuzz is definitely worth the money, so get saving!

E>One by E>Swin is £1450 from

2 Responses to “Banish back fuzz forever”

  1. Love Tea Says:

    I’m thinking of splashing out on this but its such a huge price to pay, does anyone know of any discount options other than the finance?

  2. Jenny Says:

    There is a special deal for Christmas where you can get the machine, cartridge and all the accessories for £1,299 including a 5 year warranty and a 6 month money back guarantee.
    Every little helps!

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